Many universes coexist in Uxue Alberdi (Elgoibar, 1984). Both bertsolari and writer, Alberdi pushes boundaries in her artistic production by leaving room for open-ended inquiries and contemplation.
Uxue Alberdi, a unique look at the world around her
12 Jan 2023
Uxue Alberdi’s voice is well recognised in the Basque Country. Her published books include ´Dendaostekoak´ (2020, Susa), translated into Spanish by Arrate Hidalgo as ´La trastienda´ (2022, consonni); ´Jenisjoplin´ (2017, Susa), translated into Spanish by Irati Majuelo in 2020, also published by consonni; ‘Aulki bat elurretan’ (2007, Elkar); ‘Aulki-jokoa’ (2009), translated into Spanish by Miren Agur Meabe as ‘El juego de las sillas’ (2012, Alberdania); and ‘Kontrako eztarritik: emakume bertsolarien testigantzak’ (2019, Susa), an essagy published by consonni under the title ‘Reverso’, translated by Miren Iriarte (2021, Reikiavik Ediciones).
She has been invited to book fairs and festivals including FIL Guadalajara and the Toronto International Festival of Authors. She has also contributed to the international anthology ´Lumbung stories´, published simultaneously by eight publishers in seven languages (Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, German, English, Indonesian, Bahasa and Basque) as part of ´documenta fifteen´, one of the world´s leading contemporary art exhibitions.
Uxue Alberdi Estibaritz (Elgoibar, 1984) is an author and bertsolari. She has written short stories, novels, essays, literary chronicles and children´s literature. She has received numerous awards including the Euskadi Literature Prize on two occasions, one in the category of children´s literature for ´Besarkada´ and another in the essay category for ´Kontrako eztarritik´ (Reverso). Her most recent novel, ´Jenisjoplin´, was awarded the 111 Akademia Prize and has been translated into Spanish and English. ´La trastienda´, the Spanish translation of her book ´Dendaostekoak´, was published in 2002.